The most metal concert reviews in LA

Three In Three: Part 1

Stone Temple Pilots @ Nokia Theater 10/29/2010

As the title suggests, this is the first of a three part series of three shows in three weeks (PS – three is a magic number). Yes in my old age I’ve gone from three shows in three nights to three in three weeks. But still pretty good these days. And speaking of still good, holy shit STP! I’ll admit it was my first time seeing the 90s legends but to be fair I was never taken to a show as a teen and I didn’t have a job either. That said, I can’t believe Weiland has survived this long but I’m glad he did. It’s also rare for a band this old to still have an original lineup. Hearing the DeLeo brothers play together is just magic. Their style together is what all rock should sound like. Complimentary, not just the guitar and bass mimicking each other.

The set was a perfect mix of old and new. Not too many new songs and a whole lot of classics. We arrived at the show during Still Remains. By the time we made it to our seats they were on the slide-guitar classic Big Empty, which had the whole audience singing along. In fact, there weren’t many songs the crowd didn’t sing along with. This was one show where everyone was into it. Not your typical LA show, and it hurts me to say that, because I love this town but I’ve seen a lot of shit crowds in my day.

Highlight of the night was probably their Led Zeppelin cover of Dancing Days. I always thought their rendition paid proper tribute while still making it their own. Kind of like when they played Plush and everybody in the crowd sang in their own special way. Weiland could’ve let the audience sing the whole song and it still would’ve rocked. Still he put on one hell of a performance in his presumed sober state. Let’s hope he stays this way not only for his health but for the sake of music.

Special thanks to Princess Jen who pulled me from my deathbed for this show!


Published by Qmungous, on November 9th, 2010 at 11:31 am. Filed under: rock. | 2 Comments |